Economic Reform


The economy is not working for the average American worker. Wall Street is thriving.

Corporate Executives are thriving. The wealthy are thriving. Everyone else is is struggling.

For 40 years American workers have been shoved in a corner as corporate lobbyists have taken over control of Washington.

This is a systemic problem and only a movement of elected officials that are willing to step away from the two party system can change it.

Inflation has reared its ugly head. Even though many Americans are working, the cost of living has increased more than their wages. The basic American Dream is no longer affordable for most people.

We need every policy in Washington evaluated for its impact on working Americans.

Cheap reliable energy and essential raw materials are at the heart of the economy. We need to have focused efforts to secure those resources for our future prosperity.

We have $35 trillion in national debt. We have to address that so we can invest in our future.

It impacts inflation, our trade deficit, interest rates and it’s a mortgage on your children’s future.

It is immoral for a nation to accumulate so much debt.

There are only two ways to reduce debt: cut spending or raise taxes. Neither are very popular with the American people because American workers are already stretched too thin financially.

We have to look at sectors that have been prospering. That means we have to look to Corporations, the technology industry, billionaires, and the Military Industrial Complex.

We need to develop new innovative ways of raising revenue that don’t impact working people.

Some ideas to consider:

  1. Tax digital data: Giant technology companies are reaping huge windfall profits invading your privacy and mining your data. We should apply a micro-tax on the use and digital transfer of that data.

  2. Tax data center energy consumption: Huge data centers required for cloud computing, digital currencies and artificial intelligence are going to put a huge strain on electricity demand. We should tax data center electricity consumption to help finance grid infrastructure expansion.

  3. Tax financial transactions: Large hedge funds and other financial institutions are engaging in high speed algorithmic trading. It does nothing to create healthier financial markets. We need to develop a micro-tax those financial transactions.

  4. Re-introduce progressive taxes on corporations. Individuals have progressive income tax: the higher your income, the higher your tax rate. We need to apply the same principles to corporate taxes. A giant global corporation like Apple or Visa or Walmart should be taxed differently than a small regional corporation.

  5. Tax corporate options received by executives as income when they are exercised or when they are used as collateral for other financial instruments.

  6. Tax energy exports: Even though we still rely on imported oil to meet our demand, we are a net energy exporter when you include coal and natural gas. When we export our energy assets, we export our economic security in the future. We need to put a tariff on those energy exports.

  7. Cut wasteful military spending that does not produce wealth for the future and redirect that money to energy and materials Research & Development.

    “This world in arms is not spending money alone it is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.”

    -President Dwight Eisenhower

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